Stefani Crowley

I Tried other Healthcare Providers that did NOT Work

I Tried other Healthcare Providers that did NOT Work… Why? Stop wasting your TIME and MONEY…

We hear this all the time.. I have tried everything and nothing worked… First of all I applaud you for trying and not giving up.. And DO NOT GIVE UP.. there is HOPE.. We see this all the time in our office but at our office they do get better. It is our specialty. We […]

I Tried other Healthcare Providers that did NOT Work… Why? Stop wasting your TIME and MONEY… Read More »

Shoulder Pain Physical Therapist Dallas

How a Patient was able to AVOID a ROTATOR CUFF Surgery… Even after having the Surgery Scheduled!

I can not tell you how many patients we get into our office that had a shoulder pain and their symptoms were coming from their neck. We have had patients who had rotator cuff surgeries without results and hurting even worse for years who got better coming into our office. To patients that had rotator cuff

How a Patient was able to AVOID a ROTATOR CUFF Surgery… Even after having the Surgery Scheduled! Read More »