Stefani Crowley

Back pain treatment Dallas, TX

YOU DO NOT have to Fear LOSING your MOBILITY due to BACK PAIN!

Back Pain is the most mismanaged area of the body. You will get a lot of advice from your friends and family on what to do. You are usually offered, take these pills and rest from doctors. Or let’s do injections to see if this will calm your pain down. Or let’s do surgery (which […]

YOU DO NOT have to Fear LOSING your MOBILITY due to BACK PAIN! Read More »

Hip Pain Treatment Dallas

Are You Suffering From Hip Pain? Do You Hurt To Sit, Stand, Walk? Not Finding Any Solutions To Resolve It?

This is one of the most common injuries we see in my office.   Patient have pain deep into their hip and it can wrap around to the front part of the hip down. You are often told you degenerative changes or a labral tear, piriformis syndrome or bursitis. You are either told you need

Are You Suffering From Hip Pain? Do You Hurt To Sit, Stand, Walk? Not Finding Any Solutions To Resolve It? Read More »

Neck pain cause of improper posture

I Feel Like My Neck Needs A Massage… But After My Massage My Pain returns the next day..

This is common. You get pain between your shoulder blades and upper trap. It feels like muscle tightness and burning. Occasionally you my even get tingling down the arm. Most people will tell you it is stress and just muscle tightness. Just get a massage. You do and the pain and burning comes right back.

I Feel Like My Neck Needs A Massage… But After My Massage My Pain returns the next day.. Read More »

Shoulder Pain Physical Therapist Dallas

I Was Told By Multiple Doctors that I had a Shoulder Problem….. And it was a Neck issue.

I know, I know. You feel like I am a broken record… I always say where the site of the pain is not often where the source of the pain is coming from. You can have a shoulder problem, that looks like a shoulder problem, acts like a shoulder problem, but is it really a

I Was Told By Multiple Doctors that I had a Shoulder Problem….. And it was a Neck issue. Read More »

Physical Therapy for Elbow Tendonitis

I have Elbow Tendonitis, and nothing is working to get rid of it….

I hurt to lift anything in my elbow. I have been doing the exercises that were given to me by a doctor and physical therapist. I have tried massage and dry needling, and nothing is working. I need to be better in by 3 weeks. This was a patient recently… Let me share with you

I have Elbow Tendonitis, and nothing is working to get rid of it…. Read More »

Back pain post - Do you have back pain?

Do You Feel Like You Are 80 Years Old While Getting Out of Your Chair Due to Your Back Pain?

Do you feel like you are 80 years old getting out of a chair because of your back pain? It takes you a while to straighten up after you have been sitting for a while? But when you get up and start walking around, you’re a back feels better. Frustrated that you cannot get better.

Do You Feel Like You Are 80 Years Old While Getting Out of Your Chair Due to Your Back Pain? Read More »

Achilles tendonitis pain

Why Your Achilles Tendonitis Pain is NOT Getting Better?

Are you limited in your ability to stay active? You are fearful you are going to have to slow down? You are doing massage,  chiropractor, physical therapy, drugs, acupuncture and you are still not able to get back to being active? Achilles Tendonitis can be frustrating, but it does not have to be… People are

Why Your Achilles Tendonitis Pain is NOT Getting Better? Read More »

Massage Therapy Dallas, Texas

Why Does Your Pain Return In A Few Hours After a Massage?? Read More To Learn Why…

Do you ever wonder why you get a massage and your pain returns within a few hours? You have pain between the shoulder blades or the neck. You go get a massage hoping this will help, but your pain returns within hours to a day. Why does this happen? It is because the tightness that

Why Does Your Pain Return In A Few Hours After a Massage?? Read More To Learn Why… Read More »

Healthcare is taking your car into the shop

Why Healthcare Is NOT Working! And How It Is Similar to Taking Your Car Into The Shop…

Do you have problem and fearful of losing your mobility? Not feeling like you being heard? Are you going to the doctor without moving you? Just taking a picture and saying this is the surgery we need to do? Well, you are not alone…  I like to compare our healthcare to taking your car into

Why Healthcare Is NOT Working! And How It Is Similar to Taking Your Car Into The Shop… Read More »

Post Traumatic Stress Physical Therapy Dallas

Do You Have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) With Your Injury? It Is Okay, We Can Help

Yes, this is a real thing.. It is something I work with all the time in my office. In Healthcare we throw big scary terms around without a lot of education and we throw options at patients that do not put them in control such as giving them drugs or injections or surgery. The problem

Do You Have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) With Your Injury? It Is Okay, We Can Help Read More »