The mPower Physical Therapy Blog

Why medications or injections do not give you the pain relief you wanted
Ever wonder why you take pain pills and it just takes an edge off or does not work at all? Then you go to injections

Where Is Your Knee Pain Really Coming From?
Knee pain is almost as bad as back pain because when you have problems with them, you can not move around to do the things

5 Steps On How to Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions…
It is that time of year. It’s the time where we set our New Year’s resolutions. The most popular resolutions are always about exercise, health

Top 5 Tips to Keep You Running and Healthy While Training
It is the Marathon weekend in Dallas. So, this inspired me to write this blog. One of the common mistakes I find with people training for marathons
Why Core Strengthening Does Not Work When You Have Back Pain?
I do not know how many times I hear patients that come to my office who have been to numerous healthcare providers with back pain

I Have Tried Everything, How Do I Know THIS Treatment Is Going To Work?
We see people all the time that have tried a lot of different healthcare providers including physical therapy and just do not get all the

All Your Testing Comes Back Normal, But You Still Feel Like Something Is Wrong…
You are feeling fatigued.. You are getting weird symptoms such as random numbness, or gut issues, pain that does not have patterns, or just not

Top 3 Reasons Why You May Not Need An MRI
I have recently had a few patients that have called my office and they have said, “ I want to get another MRI to compare

Is Your Knee Pain Really Coming From Your Knee?
I often say where the pain is located is not often where the source of the problem is located. So often when we start to
Good Questions to Ask to Determine if Drugs or Injections are the Right Treatment for your Pain
Have you ever hurt and then you get medications or you get injections and it does not work. Or you felt good for a 2-6

The One Thing Most Healthcare Providers Don’t Do In Treating Back Pain
I spoke with a recent potential patient. We had spoken several times and I was telling him surgery was not the route he should go
Why Resting After Injuries Doesn’t Always Work
So often I hear my patients tell me that they hurt and the are going to rest for a while and then they should be

Did You Get the Diagnosis of Arthritis? Your Pain May Not Be Coming From Arthritis…
I can not tell you how many patients that find us and they are told they have arthritis and are not sure that anything can
How Testing Can Lead to Overtreatment
I know we have talked about MRI’s and X-Rays and how this can mislead us in doing a procedure that we may or may not

My Top Tips to Help with Recovery and Prevention of Injuries
Most of the people that come into my office have no clue what they did to injure themselves. A lot of the injuries that do

Are You Sure You Need Surgery?
So often in our present Healthcare system we are spending less and less time with the patients asking questions and really understanding what is truly

Four Easy Tips to Prevent Back Pain
Over 80% of people will experience debilitating back pain at one point in their lifetime. Over 1 Billion dollars is spent on back pain yearly, which

Why Rest And Medications Don’t Always Work… But Yet You Are Told By Your Doctor To Do That First..
I get so many patients that have either come into my office after a month of rest and are frustrated that they still hurt. Or they reach

Are you stretching the wrong way?
So often I see many of my patients that come into my office and they show me what they are doing and how they are

5 Secrets On Why Other Therapies May Not Work
We get so many people who have tried everything and they are still continuing to hurt or have those nagging injuries that won’t go away. Yet,

5 Benefits to Drinking Water
Dehydration is one of the most overlooked treatments for many health conditions. Most of us walk around dehydrated including myself. What is worse, we put

You Get A Scary Diagnosis and You Are Told You Have to Have Surgery
I was on the phone with a past patient who was hurting in his back and having pain down his leg. He got an MRI

Warning: If You Still Have Back Pain After All This Time… It’s Because Your Doctor May Not Have Told You About This
Have you ever wondered why so many people have back pain? Why it is a billion dollar industry? Why so many people can not get relief

How to Know if Drugs or Injections Will NOT Work For You
Are you frustrated that you have been on pain pills or you had injections and your pain returned? Or worse it did not help much?

Is Surgery Really The Only Option? How PT Comes Into Play & What You Need to Know
I had a recent patient where the doctor recommended a lateral release surgery to the knee. This patient did not want to have surgery but

7 Tips on How to Lose Weight for a New You
So many people start thinking their New Year’s Resolutions around this time of year. The number one new years resolution is staying fit and healthy.

How to Reduce Chronic Stress Without Taking Medications
We’re sure everyone in Dallas has experienced some type of stress in their daily lives, whether that be work, family life, or something else entirely,

6 Common Mistakes of Back Pain Treatments
Back pain is one of the most common injuries. 8 out of 10 of us will have back pain in our lifetime. It is a

5 Ways to Reduce Nagging Running Injuries
We have many people come into my office with those nagging Running injuries that don’t go away. I always tell them, if you are having

How Oxidative Stress Might Be Causing Your Injuries and Sickness?
So we hear the word oxidative stress and anti oxidants thrown around all the time in the media, but what is does this mean? Here

Is Imaging a Waste of Money?
This is a good question. So often I hear my patients tell me they need to get an MRI done first, so it will help

Why Your Treatment For Your Knee May Not Be Working?
I have seen several patients this past month with knee pain. I start asking questions to learn more and some things appear to be related