Knee Pain

Don’t let knee arthritis slow you down—discover the power of Shockwave Therapy at mPower Physical Therapy
Does your knee ache during simple activities like walking or standing up? Struggling to enjoy the sports and hobbies you love because of stiffness or

Live Boldly After 50: How to Overcome Arthritis Pain and Stay Moving
The “golden years” represent a time of life that should be filled with new adventures, experiences, and the freedom to enjoy the activities you love.

Unlocking the Power of CBD: How It Enhances Physical Therapy for Knee Pain Relief
Knee pain is one of the leading causes of chronic pain impacting daily function, mobility, and overall quality of life. 2nd only to back pain,

The 3 Most Common Causes Of Inner Knee Pain
“Am I stuck with inner knee pain for the rest of my life?” “I guess I’ll just have to learn to live with it.” If

4 Quick Tips To Relieve Knee Pain Without Painkillers, Injections, or Surgery
Are you stuck in an endless cycle of trying to keep up with all the things you love – running, taking part in sports, or

Can You Cure Chronic Pain With Shockwave Therapy?
Chronic pain affects lots of people in Dallas, and we have visitors to our clinic who’ve often suffered for decades. And over these years of

Can I Relieve Foot Pain, Leg Pain And Knee Pain With Custom Orthotics?
How do you know if orthotics will help with foot pain, leg pain, or knee pain? How can having feet issues (even if we do

Do I Have Knee Arthritis And What Should I Do About It?
Arthritis pain in your knees can be a seriously big problem – one that makes it hard for you to walk, unable to do the

Natural Pain Relief For Sore Muscles
Sore muscles after exercise, or a busier than usual weekend, can leave you aching, unable to move freely and relying on painkillers. Especially as you

Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting
Joint stiffness is just a part of getting old, right? Wrong! Stiff joints in the morning and after sitting don’t have to be a daily

How to Avoid Knee Pain After Running
We had a client who was getting knee pain after running and like many of our clients who went to see other healthcare providers including

Top 4 Tips to Overcome Knee Pain to Avoid Surgery and Injections
We have seen several clients in our office lately with knee pain that has NOT resolved doing treatments such as cortisone injections, stem cell injections,

How to Stop Knee Pain…
Are You Frustrated that Your Knee is Still hurting Regardless of Treatments with other Healthcare Providers? Do you think surgery is your only option because

Having Aches and Pains as we age is NOT NORMAL.. Learn why….
I can not tell you how many clients come to see us in their 40’, 50’s and beyond thinking they have to live with their

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery- Are you doing more damage?
If you follow anything I do, I am a total believer that the body has an amazing ability to heal if you give it the

Help!! I Do NOT Want To Have Knee Surgery… I Am Told I Have Arthritis.
Do you have inflammation in the knee? Frustrated that your knee pain keeps on returning? You are fearful you have to slow down due to

Research Shows MRI’s are NOT Reliable for Knee Pain
One of the questions we get all the time is do I need and MRI, or do you need to look at my MRI? I

How to Stay ACTIVE even though you have KNEE ARTHRITIS
Have you been told you have knee arthritis? That there is nothing you can do? That you are moving in the direction of having a

Why Does Pain Comes back?
This is a very common question I get from people every single day when it comes to pain, or injury with movement and exercise. Your

Why Does Your Pain Return In A Few Hours After a Massage?? Read More To Learn Why…
Do you ever wonder why you get a massage and your pain returns within a few hours? You have pain between the shoulder blades or

Why Healthcare Is NOT Working! And How It Is Similar to Taking Your Car Into The Shop…
Do you have problem and fearful of losing your mobility? Not feeling like you being heard? Are you going to the doctor without moving you?

How Pilates can improve Running Performance
Actually, how it can improve all performance. Whether you are looking to improve running, swimming, or just walking around the block. Pilates has been shown

Are You Frustrated That You Can Not Get Rid of YOUR TENDONTIIS!!
Why do we do ONLY injections for a tendonitis? Whether it is in your elbow, in your foot (achilles tendon or peroneal muscle on the

Is Arthritis the True Cause of Your Knee Pain? Can you get HELP without surgery?
In order to hike, bike, play with your kids or grandkids, travel, or just lead an active lifestyle; you need healthy, pain free knees. Sadly,

Why REST and MEDICATIONS do not work when you are in pain
I have had recent patients in the past that were going to come in to see us because of their pain and loss of being

Why medications or injections do not give you the pain relief you wanted
Ever wonder why you take pain pills and it just takes an edge off or does not work at all? Then you go to injections

Where Is Your Knee Pain Really Coming From?
Knee pain is almost as bad as back pain because when you have problems with them, you can not move around to do the things

I Have Tried Everything, How Do I Know THIS Treatment Is Going To Work?
We see people all the time that have tried a lot of different healthcare providers including physical therapy and just do not get all the

Top 3 Reasons Why You May Not Need An MRI
I have recently had a few patients that have called my office and they have said, “ I want to get another MRI to compare

Is Your Knee Pain Really Coming From Your Knee?
I often say where the pain is located is not often where the source of the problem is located. So often when we start to
Good Questions to Ask to Determine if Drugs or Injections are the Right Treatment for your Pain
Have you ever hurt and then you get medications or you get injections and it does not work. Or you felt good for a 2-6
Why Resting After Injuries Doesn’t Always Work
So often I hear my patients tell me that they hurt and the are going to rest for a while and then they should be

Did You Get the Diagnosis of Arthritis? Your Pain May Not Be Coming From Arthritis…
I can not tell you how many patients that find us and they are told they have arthritis and are not sure that anything can
How Testing Can Lead to Overtreatment
I know we have talked about MRI’s and X-Rays and how this can mislead us in doing a procedure that we may or may not

Why Rest And Medications Don’t Always Work… But Yet You Are Told By Your Doctor To Do That First..
I get so many patients that have either come into my office after a month of rest and are frustrated that they still hurt. Or they reach

Are you stretching the wrong way?
So often I see many of my patients that come into my office and they show me what they are doing and how they are

How to Know if Drugs or Injections Will NOT Work For You
Are you frustrated that you have been on pain pills or you had injections and your pain returned? Or worse it did not help much?

Is Surgery Really The Only Option? How PT Comes Into Play & What You Need to Know
I had a recent patient where the doctor recommended a lateral release surgery to the knee. This patient did not want to have surgery but

5 Ways to Reduce Nagging Running Injuries
We have many people come into my office with those nagging Running injuries that don’t go away. I always tell them, if you are having

Is Imaging a Waste of Money?
This is a good question. So often I hear my patients tell me they need to get an MRI done first, so it will help

Why Your Treatment For Your Knee May Not Be Working?
I have seen several patients this past month with knee pain. I start asking questions to learn more and some things appear to be related