How I Was Able To Cancel My Rotator Cuff Surgery And Get My Life Back Within a Month! | Episode 25

Check out this story of a patient who tried everything for her shoulder pain. She did physical therapy for her what she thought was a rotator cuff tear.

She did not get better. So the doctor said she needed to have a rotator cuff surgery which is 6 months or more in recovery. She came to our office and was back to living her life, canceling her surgery and back to rowing in 6-8 weeks.

Everyone focused on her shoulder, check out this podcast to learn where the source of her problem was really coming from.

We have helped countless people avoid neck and shoulder surgery, injections, and medications. So often people treat the shoulder when it is a neck problem or treat the neck with stretches and postural strengthening which does not work. You have to get to the source of the problem first, which is why we have helped so many people who have had failed treatments elsewhere get their life back. We give people HOPE that it is possible to get back to what they love to do. We have several ways to continue your learning about your Neck and Shoulder pain

First, we have written a FREE Report on our Top Tips on How to Resolve Neck and Shoulder Pain… These are common Tips and education that we share with our clients and we have put it all into a short report… If you would like to get this report, just Click on this link:


Maybe you are ready to have a conversation with one of our Neck and Shoulder Pain Specialists so we can help you make a better decision about your situation. This is a FREE consultation, if you live in Dallas, TX. But do not delay as we only open a few spots a week for these appointments. Just Click this Link to start the process to save your spot!