Pelvic Floor Therapy- How Leaking was resolved after having Prostate Surgery | Episode 70

Listen to Jim Story…Jim came to us after having his prostate removed. As is typical following this surgery, he was having a difficult time controlling his bladder. This was making it difficult for him to travel and play golf, which he thoroughly enjoys. 


Jim was fearful that he was going to have to live with this lack of control for the rest of his life. Following his surgery, his prostate doctor gave him a handout about performing Kegel exercises. Throughout his time working with us at mPower PT, Jim regained his bladder control to prevent leaking while traveling in his car and while playing golf.


Both men and women can experience pelvic floor issues such as bladder leaking. It is important to seek treatment from a pelvic floor physical therapist to get an individualized treatment program to ensure you are making strides towards your goals and eliminating the bladder leaking.


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For other information like pelvic floor dysfunction ebooks and setting up an appointment with our pelvic floor specialists  visit our clinic’s website here: