Having Aches and Pains as we age is NOT NORMAL.. Learn why….

I can not tell you how many clients come to see us in their 40’, 50’s and beyond thinking they have to live with their aches and pains because it is just a part of aging!

It is not true… Lets dive into why this is happening.

You go to a doctor, and they tell you that you have arthritis, or it is just what happens as you age. I can remember when a doctor literally asked me how old I am and they literally told me, “Oh, that is just what happens when you get older!”

I almost hit him… Well in my head I wanted to.

The problem was HE NEVER LISTENED TO ME…

He did not listen to my story or ask me questions. He just asked how old I was and that was it! I was so mad.

This happens all the time in our healthcare system. It is one reason why people think they just have to live this way!

You go to a doctor, and they do not have time to spend with you and they tell you that you have arthritis because that is an easy diagnosis to give you when they do not have time to spend with you to help you figure out what is really going on…  Here is a pill and go on your way…

Or they say that is just what happens when you get older, you just have to deal with the aches and pains. You get frustrated and think that you just have to live this way…

It is not true!

We had a client who has been hurting for years…

She did not want to go to the doctor because she knew she would be given medications or would be told she needed to have surgery and she did not want to do that, nor did she have time to do that…

She was starting to slow down with her activities with walking, playing pickleball and riding her bike. She was having shoulder pain, knee pain, hip pain and fear started to set in thinking this was the way she had to live, and she was fearful of having to slow down in not doing the things she loved.

The problem was all her exercise activities was also her social activities. So not being able to do them just wiped out everything that she loved to do…

So, she just keeps playing with her aches and pains until she could not live like this anymore.

Luckily, she was referred to us by a past client who told her for 6 + months that she needed to come in and see us.

When you have tried everything, you are very skeptical. She tried physical therapy, doctors, holistic doctors, acupuncture, chiropractors.  She was thinking how is this treatment going to help me, when nothing else has helped?

How is this different? I understand, I would be saying the same thing.

But she hit her low point in that she was not going to be able to do any activity if she did not get help somewhere so she came in…

She was so happy that she did.

We found her hip was causing her hip and knee issues. We got everything moving and added strengthening and gave her ways to keep her active and a game plan for when she did walk, play pickle ball or cycle.  She had a plan and the plan was working.

We also figure out her shoulder issue, which was not a shoulder issue at all. The source of her problem was actually in her thoracic spine. Once we addressed this her shoulder pain went away too!

She told us that she thought she was going to have to live with these aches and pains for the rest of her life. She never knew she could feel this good!  We hear this all the time… And we want you to know that it is possible to continue to feel good even into your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond!

If you feel like you are slowing down because of your aches and pains or you are fearful you have to stop everything all together and you want to get your life back without surgery, injections or medications, we have an option for you!

We know you might be a little skeptical, just like this patient. That is why we offer a free Talk to the PT to help you understand what might be going on and to help us see if we can help you. It is a win, win! If you would like to set up an appointment like this, CLICK here to save your spot!

If you are serious about this, do not delay. We have limited spots for these appointments because we are busy… So Just CLICK HERE to save your spot and get the process started!

Remember…  You do not have to live with aches and pains…. You can get back to living your life!
