Elbow pain

Elderly Woman With Chronic Knee Pain

Can You Cure Chronic Pain With Shockwave Therapy?

Chronic pain affects lots of people in Dallas, and we have visitors to our clinic who’ve often suffered for decades. And over these years of struggling with arthritis, chronic back pain, plantar fasciitis, and a variety of other conditions, they feel like they’ve tried EVERYTHING! But a lot of chronic pain sufferers are unaware of […]

Can You Cure Chronic Pain With Shockwave Therapy? Read More »

Elderly Woman With Stiff Joints

Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting

Joint stiffness is just a part of getting old, right? Wrong! Stiff joints in the morning and after sitting don’t have to be a daily struggle, and there are several natural treatment strategies that we share in this blog. We understand how much joint pain and reduced mobility can impact your life – making it

Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting Read More »

Physical Therapy for Elbow Tendonitis

I have Elbow Tendonitis, and nothing is working to get rid of it….

I hurt to lift anything in my elbow. I have been doing the exercises that were given to me by a doctor and physical therapist. I have tried massage and dry needling, and nothing is working. I need to be better in by 3 weeks. This was a patient recently… Let me share with you

I have Elbow Tendonitis, and nothing is working to get rid of it…. Read More »