Joint Pain

Elderly Woman With Chronic Knee Pain

Can You Cure Chronic Pain With Shockwave Therapy?

Chronic pain affects lots of people in Dallas, and we have visitors to our clinic who’ve often suffered for decades. And over these years of struggling with arthritis, chronic back pain, plantar fasciitis, and a variety of other conditions, they feel like they’ve tried EVERYTHING! But a lot of chronic pain sufferers are unaware of […]

Can You Cure Chronic Pain With Shockwave Therapy? Read More »

Dallas Physical Therapy for Foot Pain

Can I Relieve Foot Pain, Leg Pain And Knee Pain With Custom Orthotics?

How do you know if orthotics will help with foot pain, leg pain, or knee pain? How can having feet issues (even if we do not have pain there) create pains or problems in other parts of the body? When we have aches and pains in our body, our body is trying to tell us

Can I Relieve Foot Pain, Leg Pain And Knee Pain With Custom Orthotics? Read More »

Elderly Couple Playing With Grandchildren

4 Important Habits For Over 50’s Who Want To Stay Active, And Keep Up With Their Grandchildren

Society might be telling you that you need to take it easy and slow down… That you should accept feeling exhausted all the time and dealing with aches and pains… That you should travel less, sit in front of your TV more, and give up on doing the things you love. But this is NOT

4 Important Habits For Over 50’s Who Want To Stay Active, And Keep Up With Their Grandchildren Read More »

Exercise to relieve neck pain

Natural Pain Relief For Sore Muscles

Sore muscles after exercise, or a busier than usual weekend, can leave you aching, unable to move freely and relying on painkillers. Especially as you get older, and you can’t recover as quickly as you did 20 years ago! But with so much fear surrounding painkillers, we speak to lots of people who come to

Natural Pain Relief For Sore Muscles Read More »

Elderly Woman With Stiff Joints

Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting

Joint stiffness is just a part of getting old, right? Wrong! Stiff joints in the morning and after sitting don’t have to be a daily struggle, and there are several natural treatment strategies that we share in this blog. We understand how much joint pain and reduced mobility can impact your life – making it

Treatment For Stiff Joints In The Morning And After Sitting Read More »

Pilates Exercise Dallas, TX

Why do Pilates? – A story of no longer FEARING to have to SLOW DOWN

Why did we add Pilates to our Physical Therapy office? Lets face it. I am not getting any younger. I abused my body and my knee joints were hurting with even just walking. I was having to slow down with my running and my workouts. What was next? Not being able to be active? Then

Why do Pilates? – A story of no longer FEARING to have to SLOW DOWN Read More »

Back Pain Surgery

Learn How Our Clients Were Told They Needed Surgery But Were Able To Avoid It…

It is crazy to me that we spend 5-10 min with patients at the doctor’s office, we image them and base most of the decision off the MRI. Then we are either given exercises by the doctor from their short evaluation that probably won’t work or send them to PT and they just focus on

Learn How Our Clients Were Told They Needed Surgery But Were Able To Avoid It… Read More »