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neck pain

Neck pain cause of improper posture

I Feel Like My Neck Needs A Massage… But After My Massage My Pain returns the next day..

This is common. You get pain between your shoulder blades and upper trap. It feels like muscle tightness and burning. Occasionally you my even get tingling down the arm. Most people will tell you it is stress and just muscle tightness. Just get a massage. You do and the pain and burning comes right back.

I Feel Like My Neck Needs A Massage… But After My Massage My Pain returns the next day.. Read More »

Shoulder Pain Physical Therapist Dallas

I Was Told By Multiple Doctors that I had a Shoulder Problem….. And it was a Neck issue.

I know, I know. You feel like I am a broken record… I always say where the site of the pain is not often where the source of the pain is coming from. You can have a shoulder problem, that looks like a shoulder problem, acts like a shoulder problem, but is it really a

I Was Told By Multiple Doctors that I had a Shoulder Problem….. And it was a Neck issue. Read More »

Post Traumatic Stress Physical Therapy Dallas

Do You Have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) With Your Injury? It Is Okay, We Can Help

Yes, this is a real thing.. It is something I work with all the time in my office. In Healthcare we throw big scary terms around without a lot of education and we throw options at patients that do not put them in control such as giving them drugs or injections or surgery. The problem

Do You Have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) With Your Injury? It Is Okay, We Can Help Read More »

Rest and Medication photo

Why REST and MEDICATIONS do not work when you are in pain

I have had recent patients in the past that were going to come in to see us because of their pain and loss of being active. They went to the doctor and were told to just REST and were given some MEDICATION OR AN INJECTION. I have even had doctors tell the patients not to

Why REST and MEDICATIONS do not work when you are in pain Read More »

Pain Killer medicine

Why medications or injections do not give you the pain relief you wanted

Ever wonder why you take pain pills and it just takes an edge off or does not work at all? Then you go to injections and it might help for 1 week to 6 months. And the pain returns, and you feel like you are back to square one or that you have no control

Why medications or injections do not give you the pain relief you wanted Read More »

mPower Physical Therapy Patient Photo

I Have Tried Everything, How Do I Know THIS Treatment Is Going To Work?

We see people all the time that have tried a lot of different healthcare providers including physical therapy and just do not get all the way better… Some know what physical therapy is and others have never tried it. There is conflicting information on what do it, or have you feel like you have exhausted

I Have Tried Everything, How Do I Know THIS Treatment Is Going To Work? Read More »

Good Questions to Ask to Determine if Drugs or Injections are the Right Treatment for your Pain

Have you ever hurt and then you get medications or you get injections and it does not work. Or you felt good for a 2-6 weeks and your pain returned. This is common because we feel pain 3 different ways – thermal (burns, sun burns), Chemical (inflammation), and mechanical (the mechanics are the problem). Drugs

Good Questions to Ask to Determine if Drugs or Injections are the Right Treatment for your Pain Read More »